Read before starting ...
Thank you to download MeasureAR. Before starting to use the application you need to know that MeasureAR use Google ARCore technology.
If the application does not start, please do NOT leave a bad review. Probably your device is not compatible with this plugin.
In some case, measurements could be not realistic becouse it depending to many factor like ambient light, surfaces quality and so on.
If you get and error on Screenshot taken, please check if you allowed to external storage permission.
The app is in test and in continuous work in progress to make the app the best in the market.
Thanks for the attention and have a good measurement!
Baca sebelum memulai ...
Terima kasih untuk men-download MeasureAR. Sebelum mulai menggunakan aplikasi Anda perlu tahu bahwa MeasureAR menggunakan teknologi Google Arcore.
Jika aplikasi tidak mulai, silakan tidak meninggalkan review buruk. Mungkin perangkat Anda tidak kompatibel dengan plugin ini.
Dalam beberapa kasus, pengukuran bisa menjadi tidak realistis karena kekokohan tergantung kepada banyak faktor seperti cahaya ambient, kualitas permukaan dan sebagainya.
Jika Anda mendapatkan dan kesalahan pada Screenshot diambil, periksa apakah Anda diperbolehkan untuk izin penyimpanan eksternal.
Aplikasi ini di uji dan di kerja terus menerus dalam proses untuk membuat aplikasi yang terbaik di pasar.
Terima kasih atas perhatian dan memiliki pengukuran yang baik!
Read before starting ...
Thank you to download MeasureAR. Before starting to use the application you need to know that MeasureAR use Google ARCore technology.
If the application does not start, please do NOT leave a bad review. Probably your device is not compatible with this plugin.
In some case, measurements could be not realistic becouse it depending to many factor like ambient light, surfaces quality and so on.
If you get and error on Screenshot taken, please check if you allowed to external storage permission.
The app is in test and in continuous work in progress to make the app the best in the market.
Thanks for the attention and have a good measurement!